Friday, April 9, 2010


So I looked last night for Mercury even though it was cloudy and SNOWY! But no luck. The sky's pretty clear tonight in Ada so I will try again. I found so "cool info" at about the Planets locations in late March and early April.

This Week's Sky at a Glance
by Alan M. MacRobert
Some daily events in the changing sky for April 9 – 17.

Friday, April 9

Mercury remains to the right of Venus at dusk, but see how it has faded! Mercury is now swinging between us and the Sun and consequently, in a telescope, it's becoming a thinner little crescent. See article.
Saturday, April 10

A small telescope will always show Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Tonight and tomorrow Titan is four ring-lengths to Saturn's east. A 6-inch telescope will begin to show the orange color of its smoggy atmosphere. A guide to identifying other Saturnian satellites often visible in amateur scopes is in the April Sky & Telescope, page 47.
At dawn Sunday morning, look for the waning crescent Moon low in the east. Look about 5° below it for Jupiter (seen from North America), as shown below.

Friday, April 09, 2010
Distance From
Sun: 31,536,403 Miles
Earth: 83,254,299 Miles
Constellation: Aries
Phase: 42%
Size: 42%
RA: 2 hr 19 min
DEC: 16° 47'
Magnitude: 0.08
Rises: 6:46 AM
Transits: 1:33 PM
Sets: 8:16 PM

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